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Chinese translation for "ban to be"


Related Translations:
bani: (sing. ban ) 巴尼〔罗马尼亚货币名〕。
ban ban:  班班
baned:  巴尼德
banned:  禁用的零零柒
bans:  n.= banns.
banning:  班宁浪子娇娃
ban:  n.1.禁止,禁令。2.(社会上的)禁忌,(舆论上的)谴责。3.【宗教】诅咒,逐出教门。短语和例子lift [remove] the ban 开禁,解禁。 place [put] under a ban 禁止。 under the ban 被禁止;被逐出教门;被放逐。vt.(-nn-)1.禁止,取缔 (opp. allow).2.把…逐出教门。vi.〔古语〕诅咒。短语和例子
Example Sentences:
1.Beijing has long asked for the ban to be lifted
2.An fa spokesman said : " as far as our disciplinary regulations are concerned , there is no further appeals process that would enable the ban to be overturned .
一位足总发言人说: “根据我们的处罚规定,进一步上诉从而推翻禁赛是不能的” 。
3.Mass production of food will come to an end as enough die from plagues causing bans to be placed upon food grown in certain countries or regions
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